Frankie Powell is the president of Providence LEAD, LLC. and has spent the last 37 years leading non-profit organizations, churches, and worldwide networks.
Since 1985 he has traveled the world, visiting over 46 countries for the purpose of raising up leaders, establishing humanitarian organizations and social programs, as well as overseeing and supporting multiple religious organizations.
Frankie trains and equips leaders in the areas of business, government, and education through his for-profit organization Providence LEAD, LLC. He enables organizations and institutions to grow through strategic problem solving, personal growth, and leadership development. His humorous yet practical style of motivational speaking has made him a well sought after guest in opportunities of speaking, coaching, and training for businesses, city, state, and national government, civic organizations, schools, and non-profit organizations.
Frankie is married to Laura, his wife of 40 year. They have 2 grown children and 2 grandchildren. His life’s purpose is to “make a difference in the lives of those who want to make a difference in the lives of others.